Find out more about your colleagues behind the Zoom

Get to Know Your Team
Find out more about your colleagues beyond the Zoom
windows with our 10-minute mini-game

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You work together. But how much do you really know about your colleagues? Find out more about the people beyond the Zoom windows with our fun 10-minute mini-game

Build a stronger remote team
The game is designed to help remote staff get to know each other better, on a personal level. Who is an early bird and who prefers working in the evening? Is it true that one of us really met the Pope? And what’s the story behind that HUGE tea cup we keep seeing on Zoom?
A 10 minute icebreaker is the perfect way to finally get to know the person beyond the Zoom screen.
How it works
The game is played online in teams of 3-6 people, taking part in a video meeting. Setting up can’t be simpler – one team member clicks on a link and shares the screen to start the game.
All you need is a computer and Zoom/Teams etc.

Quick facts and Pricing
US$5 per participant
£4 per participant
€5 per participant
Bundle of 3 icebreaker games costs USD 12 / GBP 9 / EUR 10. Please get in touch for more details. Discounts available for large groups.
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Get to Know Your Team
You work together. But how much do you really know about your colleagues?
Find out more about the people beyond the Zoom windows with our 10-minute mini-game, featuring brainteasers, trivia, and original icebreaker questions that will leave you feeling entertained, energised, and better connected as a team.
A fun team icebreaker to kickstart your meetings, whether virtual, remote, or hybrid.
Book online now!
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