Game-based Learning


Varmt välkomna att ta del av de case och lärdomar som vi har samlat på oss under åren! Vi hoppas här kunna bidra med en del inspiration.

Making global onboarding week events more interactive and engaging

With large new cohorts joining every quarter in the USA and the UK – some working on site, some working remotely – Matillion wanted to connect all new starters for an exciting and commensurate introduction to the company. We designed three games, designed to be played both in-person and virtually at key moments during the induction week.

The Onboarding Game: an ideal introduction to the company that brings all the onboarding week learning points together. With a focus on the Values and Culture, the Matillion Onboarding Game combines a varied mix of “Matillionized” trivia, video, audio, and puzzles, as well as a range of realistic “dilemmas” to test application of the Values.

Beat the Hacker: a fast-paced team challenge to drive excitement and collaboration during an afternoon session. Beat the Hacker created that vital ingredient of a good induction – an “Onboarding moment” – something different, something fun, something that will stick in the memory a lot longer than any PowerPoint presentation or document!

Who Wants to Be a Matillionaire: Based on the popular TV show, our custom mini-game transformed a boring session on “jargon-busting” into an entertaining company-wide competition!

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