Game-based Learning

Spencer Ogden

Varmt välkomna att ta del av de case och lärdomar som vi har samlat på oss under åren! Vi hoppas här kunna bidra med en del inspiration.

Global Core Values Launch

When global recruitment firm Spencer Ogden decided to organise a Core Values Launch, they wanted every single member of the team to take equal part. “We want every office, however small, to be part of this day, and have the same experience of the Core Values Launch.”

Spencer Ogden reached out to Green Hat People for a fun, interactive event that could be rolled out across the different offices and time zones, from Singapore all the way to Houston.

We created a game that was tailored to the organisation and their core values. We setup a live league table, so that the offices could play against each other using tablets. The Perth office kicked off the competition, followed by Asia and Europe, ending in the USA. As the day unfolded, the teams kept a close eye on the leaderboard, waiting to see whether their colleagues would break their record.

Click here to read the full case study

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