Game-based Learning


Varmt välkomna att ta del av de case och lärdomar som vi har samlat på oss under åren! Vi hoppas här kunna bidra med en del inspiration.

Creating a better understanding of coaching & feedback procedures

At a national meeting for branch office managers from the retail banking division, Nordea wanted managers to get a thorough understanding of the internal coaching & feedback procedures, including harmonizing the company employee rating standards.

A number of training areas were created, each designed to allow teams to really practice the skills hands-on. A tablet gave instructions and guided the teams to the locations simultaneously. Analogue and digital tools were used throughout the day. The training areas were:

COOPERATION – Tested cooperative skills through a tough business game.
CLIENT MEETINGS – Watched films from client meetings & practiced giving feedback.
GOALS – Used the SMART model and practiced setting goals in a structured way.
RATING STANDARDS – Work shop about setting a company wide employee rating standard.

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